Soul Mom Recharge

What to Expect

Week 1: Pause and Reflect

This is a one hour gift to yourself.  It is time set aside for you to take and connect with other moms in a relaxed setting.  Press pause on doing, and just be whoever you are at this moment. You will be safe and welcome.  No preparation is needed to join.  Filling up your mom cup means celebrating all the good and challenging moments that come with the role.  Tap into your deepest parental wisdom, knowing and values.  Recognize your hopes and fears, obstacles and triumphs.

Week 2: Balance and Boundaries

Motherhood comes with many responsibilities that can drain your energy.  If you sometimes feel the need “to do it all,” you are not alone.  Trying to live up to stereotypes of what “good” motherhood should look like can have us constantly “doing” to achieve instead of sinking into being. Discover what you need to feel healthy and energized.

Week 3: Presence and Peace

Moms are often pulled in many directions, with multiple demands and large feelings overwhelming us on a daily basis. When the heavy load becomes too much we often take the path of least resistance because we are out of energy.  In this session we will explore the power of being present in difficult moments and accessing peace when feeling overwhelmed.

Week 4: Build and Create

Changes happen when we take action. In this supportive circle of fellow moms, set intentions and map out steps and strategies to help you recharge and energize. Use this personalized re-charge toolkit to help you feel more confident and connected on a daily basis.