15 Stocking Stuffers to Build Kids’ Confidence This Christmas

15 Stocking Stuffers to Build Kids’ Confidence This Christmas

Are you tired of buying stocking stuffers that you know will end up at the bottom of a drawer without ever having been used? 

Do you want to know that the money you are spending isn’t a waste? 

Would you rather be at home snuggled under a warm blanket with a cup of tea instead of aimlessly wandering the aisles of dollar stores?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the list below is for you!

The holiday season can be overwhelming for both parents and kids.  One of the goals of stocking stuffer shopping should be items to help your kids feel their best.  What kinds of activities would you like your kids to be doing over the break?  What kinds of gifts will help them to take care of themselves?  What items will help them have fun, rest and recharge?

Kids feel more confident when they are able to express themselves, think about their future with excitement, have nurturing and fulfilling relationships, and manage their energy levels to feel their best.

This Christmas, fill their stockings with items that will build their confidence so that they can have fun and feel their best.  You can watch them open the items knowing that you have helped your kids tap into the best side of themselves. 

Communication-Themed Stocking Stuffers

1. Journals: Not all kids will be excited at the idea of keeping a journal and that is okay.  Little notebooks can have all kinds of purposes such as keeping lists, drawing, and writing stories or poetry.  When choosing a journal, keep in mind favourite colours or themes that your kids might enjoy.

2. Art Supplies:  There are so many ways that kids can express themselves artistically.  Drawing, painting, colouring, sewing and modelling clay are just a few of the ways that kids can show people what is going on inside them.  Think about what kinds of ways your kids like to create and pick supplies you think will ignite their creative spark.

3. Emoji themed itemsEmojis are great for taking your kids’ emotional temperature.  They can help to break the ice and start a deeper conversation.  Some good emoji items that I have seen are bookmarks, stickers, sticky notes, magnets and stress balls.  Emoji themed items are a fun way to make your kids aware that you want to know how they are feeling.

4. Books, magazines, graphic novels, comics: While stories can be a fun and entertaining escape, they can also teach kids a lot about themselves. Reading can shape the way they communicate with themselves about what their story is. They may recognize themselves in other characters or discover a new perspective. Non-fiction books and magazines can also help kids discover other interests and learn more about the world around them.

Aspiration-Themed Stocking Stuffers

5. Goals sheets: There are many varieties of inexpensive goal setting pads of paper out there.  Having these kinds of sheets handy will make it easy for kids to set daily goals. Writing goals down is a great way to keep them top of mind.

6. Calendars: Teaching kids to look ahead and plan by using a calendar is an easy way to build confidence.  Also letting them choose when to put certain activities on can give them a sense of power and control.  Knowing what is coming up can help them to mentally prepare and feel part of the management of their lives.

7. Small cork board: Cork boards are an awesome way for kids to visualize their future as well as highlighting their current and past successes.  It is easy for kids to forget their wins, so putting up pictures, mementos or cards of congratulations can remind them of what they are capable of. Having a section devoted to dreams can help kids visualize their goals.

8. Jar with glass beads: If you want your kids to work towards a long term goal, getting them a visual representation of that will be super helpful.  Choose the size of the jar based on the number of steps they will need to accomplish their goal and give them a corresponding number of glass stones.

Relationship-Themed Stocking Stuffers

9. Games for two or more people: Compact games like Monopoly Deal, Sleeping Queens, Trash Pandas and Top Trumps card games are quick and easy games to play with friends.   Games help kids take turns, learn to win and lose gracefully, and take time out to just be with others.

10. Trading cards: Whether it be Pokemon cards, My Little Pony cards or sports cards, trading cards can help kids to connect with their friends and give them a chance to talk about common interests.  It also helps them to gain experience with turn taking and fairness.

11. Picture frames and albums: Giving kids cute picture frames and albums encourages them to preserve memories of special times with family and friends.  It can bring them daily happiness to be reminded of the people in their lives.

Energy-Themed Stocking Stuffers

12. Fidget Toys: Fidget toys appeal to kids because they provide sensory satisfaction. They are cute, bright colored and have a tactile component that gives kids repetitive motions that they can do with their hands.  This can help them to regulate feelings of anxiety and boredom.

13. Soft lighting: Sometimes when kids are feeling tired, they crave lower lighting without being in the dark.  Soft lighting can help them to feel calm and relaxed and may prepare them for sleep.  At this time of year there are many inexpensive, safe options such as fairy lights, small LED lanterns or candles.

14. Self care items: Teaching kids to take care of their bodies is a huge part of helping them to feel confident.  Putting self care items such as new hair brushes, soaps, shower gels, tooth brushes and more will reinforce that this is an important part of their life.  Looking for themed items for younger kids and favorite scents for older kids will make them feel known by you.  Other self-care items that will help them to feel their best are cozy items such as fuzzy socks and fleece blankets.

15. Snacks: It would not be a stocking without some treats and while you definitely want to make sure their favourite candy and chocolate are in there you could also add some healthier treats for them to eat when they need to re-fuel. Adding favourite granola bars, popcorn, or fruit will give them the idea that they should strive for balanced eating

This is by no means a comprehensive list of all the stocking stuffers that could boost your kids’ confidence this holiday season because, of course, all kids are different.  This is meant to be a starting point to get you thinking before you head out to the stores.  If you want to go one step further I have a handy stocking stuffer planning sheet that you can download here.

During the month of November, as it gets a bit darker and colder it is not uncommon for kids to feel a bit more tired and, at times, less confident.  If your kids could use a confidence pick-me up this month, please join me for the FREE 4 Day Capture Kids Confidence Challenge: 4 Daily Practice to Unleash Their Superhero.

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These are such great ideas! I love the idea of breaking them up into groups!

Jennifer Passmore

All of these are good ideas. We have done most of these but I think I might try the journal idea for my son. ❤️


These are great suggestions.


Love all these ideas! My kid would especially love a fidget toy, notebooks/journals, and art supplies. The idea of a cork board and jar of glass beads is really cute, too.


These suggestions were really interesting. Something I wouldnt have thought of. Thanks for the ideas!


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